What is ForeAmmatti?

ForeAmmatti is an online service created by Foredata Ltd. ForeAmmatti aims to support especially those in search of work.

ForeAmmatti offer detailed labour market and degree information combined to Skills Mapping and other functionalities. Skills Mapping is based on the ESCO classification developed by the European Commission and offers over 13 000 skills form nearly 3 000 occupations to choose from.

ForeAmmatti gives you answers to the following questions:

  • How many open vacancies there are per profession?
  • Where are the jobs situated?
  • What skills employers expect from job seekers?
  • What are the future insights of different professions based on your skills mapping?

Inquire about the possibilities of using ForeAmmattis Skills Mapping and Labour Market Information from the employment services or educational institutions of your home town. Various coaching companies and pension insurance companies also offer ForeAmmatti to their customers and some cities to their residents. ForeAmmatti is free for the user.

ForeAmmatti’s user interface works in Finnish, Swedish and English. Skills mapping can be done in up to 30 different languages, including English.

ForeAmmatti reaches beyond Labour Market information too. ForeAmmatti allows all its registered users to use The Abilitator, which is a method enabling self-assessment of work ability and functioning. It is a questionnaire, which can be completed online within ForeAmmatti. The Abilitator can be filled in English too.